Let’s begin with a

conversation about


I motivate individuals to transform their lives & relationships by developing mindfulness & appreciation in their communications

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and disconnected in your relationships? Do you long for more meaningful connections and a deeper understanding in your interactions? Imagine a world where every conversation is filled with genuine empathy, understanding, inquiry, and appreciation. A world where you can effortlessly convey your thoughts and feelings, while strengthening your relationships at the same time. It's time to transform your life with the power of mindfulness and appreciation in communication. With my proven techniques and guidance, you can unlock the secrets to fostering stronger connections, resolving conflict, and building lasting personal and professional relationships.

Let’s get to know one another…

Hello... I'm Coach Brian McCarthy

As a communication coach specializing in Appreciative Inquiry Communication, I understand the frustration of feeling unheard and undervalued in conversations, meetings, and presentations. I used to struggle with the fear of not being taken seriously as my ideas were often brushed aside or ignored. It was disheartening to feel like my input didn't matter and that my voice wasn't truly being heard.

However, through years of study and practice, I discovered the power of Appreciative Inquiry as a transformative approach to communication. By focusing on strengths, successes, and what works well in interactions rather than dwelling on problems and negativity, I found a paradigm shift in how people engaged with me. This approach revolutionized not only how I communicated but also how others responded to me.

Through personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique communication style and challenges, you'll learn practical techniques to gain recognition for your contributions effectively.

Work with me

I’m a communication expert and mindful communication coach.

Here’s how I can help...

Private communication coaching for you

Do you long to express yourself with clarity and confidence, but find yourself stumbling over your words or struggling to articulate your thoughts effectively? Imagine a world where you could effortlessly connect with others, build thriving relationships, and influence people through powerful communication skills.

Mindful communications

Are you tired of miscommunication, misunderstandings, and missed opportunities? Do you long for deeper, more meaningful connections with the people in your life? Introducing Mindful Communications - a revolutionary approach to transforming the way we interact and connect with others.

Build strong and lasting relationships

Introducing my revolutionary coaching and mentoring - a proven system to build strong and lasting relationships that will enrich every aspect of your existence. Whether you're seeking deeper friendships, more fulfilling romantic partnerships, or stronger bonds with colleagues and clients, my solution is here to guide you.

Communicate the right message at the right time

Imagine being able to effortlessly express yourself, capturing the attention and understanding of those around you. With my revolutionary coaching and mentoring, you'll unlock the power of effective communication, enabling you to deliver the right message at the right time. Say goodbye to missed opportunities.

'Focus On Results' Coaching with Coach Brian McCarthy

Don't let another day pass being held hostage by your own doubt and hesitation. The keys to unlocking your true potential are within reach with our 'Focus On Results' coaching program. Set yourself on the path to becoming the best version of you - seize this opportunity now, because a more fulfilled life can't wait!

Free Resources

View the latest posts about mindful & appreciative inquiry communication and propel your relationship successes to the next levels!

Introducing Appreciative Inquiry Communication

Appreciative inquiry communication encourages positive ways of thinking about other people and about yourself instead of using negativity or even criticism.

The Power of Positive Imagery

Imagery helps us to create a full picture of an idea or a person. By using positive imagery, we can have more powerful communications.

Changing The Way You Think

One of the simplest ways to feel better about ourselves and about other people, is to change the way we think and respond about things in our lives.

Not ready to start yet? No worries, join my free community group.

In this community group you'll have access to special articles and free eCourses from time to time, plus you'll be able to ask Coach Brian (me) any questions and I will do my best to provide a timely answer.

Client Testimonials

Some kind words from clients

As a certified executive coach myself, I admire Coach Brian’s expertise and experience, we have built a trusted relationship, and he helped me significantly to transform as a senior leader. It’s always delightful to talk with Brian, even with challenging questions to trigger more reflections. I cannot thank Brian enough for the tremendous help he provides to me.


Irene L.

Senior OD Manager

Brian is an excellent communication coach. He has lot of practical experience, very useful resources to deep dive on communication. Brian creates safe environment for the coachee, listens attentively and asks insightful questions which helps the person reflect and come with his /her own solutions.


Anil K.

Senior Plant Director

It was the most wonderful experience to have you coach. You played an important role in my personal development. I will always remember your contributions. You are helpful, encouraging, experienced, caring and expert in your field.


Zeeshan N.

Engineering Manager, Fatima Group

I am very grateful Brian for your gift of confidence to lead through difficulty and learning the language of self-respect and boundaries! Your influence will be carried with me tomorrow during my 1st call with my new manager. Thank you!


Cathy C.

Data Partnerships, Google

Companies My Clients Work For...

Office: Zilzie Queensland.

Call: +61 0473394997

Email: brian@brianmccarthy.org

Copyright 2024 Coach Brian Coaching. All rights reserved.